

Join us for three days of exploration, preparation, and fun!  

We are delighted you’ve chosen to make Brescia University your new home. Your first year at Brescia University will be an exciting time, and our top priority is to assist you in making a successful academic and social transition to the Brescia University community.

Our comprehensive 新生迎新 program will allow you to meet your peers, learn more about your home away from home, and will provide you with the resources you need to help you achieve success all year.

We encourage you to make the most of your Orientation and set the foundation for a successful Brescia University undergraduate experience.

All new freshman 学生 are required to attend 新生迎新. 

Top 5 Reasons to Attend 新生迎新

  1. 成为正式的熊猫! NSO is the final step to becoming an official Bearcat and receiving important information and free Bearcat swag.
  2. 成功. Students who attend NSO are more likely to be comfortable with campus, 的服务, and the Brescia community when starting classes.
  3. 服务. Learn about the different academic and student services that Brescia has to offer. These services include Ursuline Center for Teaching and Learning, 职业中心, and the 第一年经验 program.
  4. 朋友. Meet other 学生 that are also new to Brescia. NSO allows you to get to know other 学生 and meet new friends before classes begin.
  5. Make the transition to college easier. Research shows 学生 who attend orientation do better academically.